Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Formatting currency

Following on from the previous entry about formatting numbers, it's a simple task to convert the same function into one that accepts currency symbols:

function formatCurrency(num:Number, comma:Boolean, currency:String):String {
// return a zero value if num is not valid
if (isNaN(num)) {
return "0.00";
// return a blank value if currency is not valid
if (currency == undefined) {
currency = "";
// round num to the nearest 100th
num = Math.round(num * 100) / 100;
// convert num to a string
var num_str:String = String(num);
// seperate any decimals from the whole numbers
var num_array = num_str.split(".");
// if there are no decimals add them using "00"
if (num_array[1] == undefined) {
num_array[1] = "00";
// if the decimals are too short, add an extra "0"
if (num_array[1].length == 1) {
num_array[1] += "0";
// separate whole numbers with commas
// if required (comma = true)
if (comma) {
var whole_array:Array = new Array();
var start:Number;
var end:Number = num_array[0].length;
while (end > 0) {
start = Math.max(end - 3, 0);
whole_array.unshift(num_array[0].slice(start, end));
end = start;
num_array[0] = whole_array.join(",");
// construct a return string joining
// the whole numbers with the decimals
// and prefixing a currency symbol
return (currency + num_array.join("."));
trace(formatCurrency(1234.5, true, "£"));
// outputs £1,234.50
trace(formatCurrency(1234.5, true, "\u00a5"));
// outputs ¥1,234.50

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